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Freitag 05. Dezember 2014, 11:00 - 21:00

Dynamizing Subsidizing.

Sustainable Funding for Central and Eastern Europe and Green Reform Proposals. Central European Round Table | Public launch event

Participation free, 

Friday, 5th December 11:00–11:30   Welcome by Johann Sollgruber (Head a.i. of the European Commission - Representation in Austria)
Welcome + Introduction by Monika Vana MEP, Austria 11:30–13:00   Presentation of the SERIND ("Socioecological reindustrialisation") Project and its relevance to local councillors by Andreas Novy (Chair of the Austrian Green Foundation GBW and Professor at the Institute for the Environment and Regional Development - University of Economics and Business Vienna) followed by a panel discussion with Karin Kadenbach, MEP (SPÖ, Member of the Committee on Environment) and Erzsébet Gergely ("Ökopolisz Foundation", Hungary). Moderation: Doris Pollet-Kammerlander 13:00-14:15 pm  Lunch 14:15–15:30 pm   Panel discussion: "Power play: Possibilities of EU cohesion policy on the way to the 'energy revolution' and for more sphere of influence in foreign policy" Tamás Meszerics MEP, Hungary (Foreign Affairs expert, CEU assistant professor, Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy, and International Relations Committee on Foreign Affairs, Delegation to the EU-Russia Parliamentary Cooperation Committee, Delegation to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly)
Davor Škrlec MEP, Croatia (Energy expert, former professor at University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, Committee on Regional Development). Moderation: Doris Pollet-Kammerlander  15:30–17:00 pm   Panel discussion: Practice and effectiveness of EU pre-accession assistance in the Western Balkans
Ulrike Lunacek MEP, Austria, vice president of the European Parliament (Committee on Foreign Affairs, Delegation to the EU-Serbia, Delegation to the EU- Montenegro, Delegation for relations with Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo)
Gerhard Schumann-Hitzler (Director of the DG Enlargement in the European Commission, Brussels)
Vedran Džihi? (Department of Political Science, University of Vienna).  Moderation: Doris Pollet-Kammerlander 17:00–18:00 pm   Coffee and Networking Break 18:00–20:00 pm    Panel discussion: "EU funds for Central and Eastern Europe: fraud or fortune? Reform proposals for Regional politics and fair re-distribution"
Herta Tödtling-Schönhofer (Director of Metis Consulting Company - supporting good governance) 
Monika Vana MEP, Austria (Committee on Regional Development, Committee on Budgets, Founder of the Green "Central European Round Table") 
Ákos Éger (CEE Bankwatch Network) 
András Lukács, Hungary (Clean Air Action Group) 
Benedek Jávor MEP, Hungary (Corruption expert, Committee on Budgetary Control, Member of the Intergroup on Integrity) Moderation: Sibylle Hamann (journalist). Followed by an evening reception. Working language: English, evening panel: translation into German. More information: www.monikavana.eu 

Wo und wann?
Fr. 05.12. 11:00 Uhr bis 21:00 Uhr
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